Transferrin, FITC labeled Cat. No. TF1-FC-1 1 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Transferrin, FITC labeled

Cat. No. TF1-FC-1
Unit Size 1 mg
Price $385.00

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Transferrin, Fluorescein Labeled</b

Synonym: FITC transferrin, transferrin FITC

Similar products: Alexa fluor 488 labeled transferrin, SF488 transferrin;


Fluorescein labeled transferrin, also called FITC transferrin, is one of fluorescent transferrin conjugates provided by Nanocs. FITC transferrin is a green fluorescent transferrin conjugate with excitation/emission wavelength at 490 nm/515 nm. Nanocs also provides a number of orange, red, purple, blue and IR dye labeled transferrin products with excitation/emission wavelength. These labeled transferrin products were purified by size chromatography to remove non-conjugated molecules and ensure adequate applications both in-vitro and in-vivo.


  • Dye ratio: 2~7 fluorescein dyes on each transferrin molecule.
  • FITC Transferrin conjugate provided either in water solution and dried powder;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4 0C. Protect from light.